April 21st, 2008

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  • Apr. 21st, 2008 at 12:57 AM

I stand alone in an empty parking lot at midnight
No cars
Only myself with the moon and a cigarette
I inhale fast so the smoke can clog my inner fears
And slowly exhale my inhibitions
My eyes follow the glaze of the silk soft smoke that leave my lips

I can’t stop and wonder why you hurt me
It was just days ago that we were in this same parking lot
Reciting words our hearts could only understand
As we protected ourselves from the cold
With only the moon to guide our way

Now you leave me
With only the cold winter air to nurture my wounded heart
With no explanation
No history to archive from
No future to look forward to

And now I am here alone in this empty parking lot at midnight
No cars
Only myself with the moon and a cigarette
I inhale fast so the smoke can clog my inner fears
And slowly exhale my inhibitions
I bring in this new day just like this parking lot