The other day I was caught in the rain
No umbrella
No sweater
No ride
Not even a prayer
The beauty of the soft drizzle glazing through the light illuminated by streetlights caught my attention ever so gracefully
The rain fell continuously
Without breaks without stop
And as I looked up
I felt the rain hit my face
Each drop hitting my face and running down my cheeks like tears
I was reminded of rainy nights as a child
I was reminded of my mother
My mother who stood in tears in front of the window those cold raining nights
cuz father decided to spend his nights blighting his body in alcohol
attempting to forget
to forget the cold winter night my grandfather was found dead while my grandmother was sleeping with another man
And so I stood there manifesting my parents pain
Having to shed tears that once flowed from there faces like rain
I need shelter from the tears
Father understand that my grandmother’s faith was to her lover
That my grandfather’s death could not be delayed any longer
Do not let losing your father make me lose mine
Mother please understand that my father is out at night because he can not bare to cry in front of you
Do not let his long nights make my nights with you shorter
I do not want our family to be under this thunderstorm of guilt and hate any longer
I stand here in the rain
In tears
Realizing families will always be caught in the rain
Caught with fear and hate before they get caught in love
…………How can we wait for a sunny day when we can not love ourselves
I ask you
help me
Like a bird with wounded wings
I need to heal
I need to heal from every argument you both had
From every time I sat between your silence waiting for one of you to give me comfort
I need to heal
I want to stop feeling hate and revengeful because I did not get the love I deserved as a child
I want to know that regardless of those routine fights
Regardless of those routine sights of sore eyes looking at me
That you two still love each other
that you both still love me
I need the love from my mother and father
So I can at least imagine what a sunny day could be
No umbrella
No sweater
No ride
Not even a prayer
The beauty of the soft drizzle glazing through the light illuminated by streetlights caught my attention ever so gracefully
The rain fell continuously
Without breaks without stop
And as I looked up
I felt the rain hit my face
Each drop hitting my face and running down my cheeks like tears
I was reminded of rainy nights as a child
I was reminded of my mother
My mother who stood in tears in front of the window those cold raining nights
cuz father decided to spend his nights blighting his body in alcohol
attempting to forget
to forget the cold winter night my grandfather was found dead while my grandmother was sleeping with another man
And so I stood there manifesting my parents pain
Having to shed tears that once flowed from there faces like rain
I need shelter from the tears
Father understand that my grandmother’s faith was to her lover
That my grandfather’s death could not be delayed any longer
Do not let losing your father make me lose mine
Mother please understand that my father is out at night because he can not bare to cry in front of you
Do not let his long nights make my nights with you shorter
I do not want our family to be under this thunderstorm of guilt and hate any longer
I stand here in the rain
In tears
Realizing families will always be caught in the rain
Caught with fear and hate before they get caught in love
…………How can we wait for a sunny day when we can not love ourselves
I ask you
help me
Like a bird with wounded wings
I need to heal
I need to heal from every argument you both had
From every time I sat between your silence waiting for one of you to give me comfort
I need to heal
I want to stop feeling hate and revengeful because I did not get the love I deserved as a child
I want to know that regardless of those routine fights
Regardless of those routine sights of sore eyes looking at me
That you two still love each other
that you both still love me
I need the love from my mother and father
So I can at least imagine what a sunny day could be
- Mood: